Union travel

Dear our passengers,

here you will find suggestions for programs of one-day trips and multi-day package deals that we have prepared for you.
First of all, I would like to thank you once again for the trust you have shown, the time you have taken, and the feedback regarding the satisfaction with the implementation of one-day trips and other union trips that we have successfully implemented together in the past years.

In spite of COVID and these past challenging times, for a little more than a year now, we have realized many trips adhering to all epidemiological recommendations.
For any additional information, I am available by email or phone, and any suggestion from your side is more than welcome, as always.
We are part of the SAVE STAY IN CROATIA project, which you can see on the official website: https://www.safestayincroatia.hr/hr/pretrazivanje/trakostyan-tours. We adhere to all recommendations and comply with all epidemiological measures because the safety and health of our employees and passengers is always our first priority.

You can see more about it in detail at the following link: https://www.safestayincroatia.hr/hr/protokoli/turisticke-vodici-agencije-i-informativni-centri/turisticke-agencije, and what I would single out is the following about organized trips:

disinfection of vehicles (bus, minibus, van) before and after each excursion
measuring the body temperature of the driver and the guide before leaving for the trip, along with keeping records
wearing a protective mask in the vehicle – driver, guide and passengers (in the case of preschoolers, only drivers and guides and educators)
measuring the body temperature of the guests before leaving for the trip
provide a container with disinfectant at the entrance of the vehicle
compliance with safety protocols when visiting national parks, nature parks, museums and other institutions

WE ALSO FOLLOW ALL THE RULES FOR OUR GUIDES AND ANIMATORS with whom we cooperate (https://www.safestayincroatia.hr/hr/protokoli/turisticki-vodici-agencije-i-informativni-centri/turisticki-vodici)

measuring body temperature before driving, before going on excursions, trips, etc.
wearing protective masks in closed spaces (vehicle, ship, museum…)
disinfection of hands and disinfection of work surfaces several times a day
carry a disinfectant with you
physical distance between the guide and the guest/user
guides do not shake hands with guests
limited number of people in a group in closed spaces
adherence to epidemiological measures in localities
strict compliance with the rules of behavior in protected areas


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